August 6th, 2023

Magic systems have a number of unique features to consider in as much or little depth as you want! In this article I'll cover:


Limitations define who (or what) can use magic and how. I would consider this the foundation of the magic system as it is the base framework of rules it follows. Limitations exist to keep characters, or complete magic systems, from being OP and also so the characters (you) must find more creative ways of overcoming challenges. You are already familiar with many different types of limitations, even if you don't recognize them as such. Here are some subgroups:

Limitations are not things to overcome but work around! Limitations are synonymous with the stakes here; if you remove them, the character is annoyingly OP and has no chance of losing or possible vulnerability! It is fine to have certain types of limitations lessen or disappear during the course of a character arc (these are usually in the form of a skill limitation), but other types of limitations should stay rigid.


Limit ceilings are a hard limit that the magic can NEVER exceed, regardless of skill or plot armor. For example, magic can not be used to turn back time or resurrect, or a magic user born type X cannot suddenly become type Y. If you break these limits, the story loses stakes! If part of your plot involves making an exception, it is best to either introduce this as early as possible, or to allude to it either by comments or showing characters exploit similar loopholes in the magic. The worst thing to do here as far as suspension of disbelief is to explicitly state a limit ceiling, and without any foreshadowing or hint of something else, break it. Exploiting a loophole’s not the same thing as outright breaking an established rule.


Costs are the energy costs that it takes to do magic. Magic would exhaust these in order to run, or needs them as part of a larger cycle. Some ideas include:

Limitations and cost are closely related, and choosing one will define the other.


For the sake of example, I'll say what I've done with my magic system in Oracle Bone. The magic system is, along with the lore, animist: everything alive is imbued with the spiritual force of czi. The natural world uses this in everyday phenomena, and the world around people lives or dies the way humans do. In other words, magic has an ecological response to human activities, and events like war or mass death can have very long term consequences on the environment. Artificially, magic is primarily sigil-based, meaning that in order to use it, you will need writing or printing materials to produce spells. The reprintability means basic spells are commonly sold for home use by those with no magical training, but to modify them or even create your own will require a lot of skill the average person won't have, similar to a lot of consumer goods on Earth. There is no obtainment limitation other than getting the education necessary to do this, which exists mostly in informal settings. Sigils work in a near-computational way, giving them a very wide range of effects and power; although there are hard limits on what they cannot do (resurrect the dead, create perfect illusions, and predict the future), they can create effects that are similar. A plot point is the amount of energy sigils exhaust, which keeps them from being the only thing society relies on and drives a need for manual engineering as well as the production of quick power sources.

Tailoring a magic system to a narrative is a complex thing only you can truly figure out for yourself. Ideally it will not just provide unique ideas and visuals, but drive the history of your world, create character motivations, and be intertwined with the cultures it exists in. Woah, that's a lot of humanities buzzwords. But buzzwords are all I have time for at the end of an article.. Maybe later on I'll expand on how I go about this.


Environmental magic: Not as in earth druids or w/e, as in adding a magical element to ecology, without humans necessarily being at the center of it. Instead of people being at the top of the magical pyramid, they are only occupying another type of notch in the ecosystem. I have tried to do this with Oracle Bone, but I’d love to see more. Other bio nerds need to GET ON THIS!

Work to Do at Home:

- What are other things besides sentient beings that could use magic?
- What combinations of these costs or limitations have you seen before? Make a combo you haven’t seen.

Check out the sister post to this article: Worldbuilding Questions: Magic Systems